Sunday, August 13, 2006

SHE DID IT!!! Terri called us last night from Pittsburg and she had JUST gotten off stage from the announcement of the winners of the National Flute Association's competition of which she was one of the top three. SHE WON!!! She was soooo excited that she left the concert to go out in the hall and call us to let us know. I dont know any of the details yet or even when Gabriel & Terri will be heading home, but WOW!!! This has been a dream of hers - to win a major competition. Did I mention SHE DID IT???? WOO HOO!!!

WE DID IT TOO!!! After getting Dara registered for school last Friday we were at Emmaus working on the musical then Mike & I drove the two church vans full of 5th, 6th & 7th grade camp choir members - and Dara!!! We took the crew to bowl here in Norman. We had 3 other workers with us while the director worked on other stuff and Joe Kellogg got ready for his vacation up in Colorado (sigh!!!) THEN we loaded back up after 2 hours of bowling (I NEVER knew how emotional some little girls got about bowling without bumpers - LONG STORY) and were at the church until the musical that night which went VERY well. Mike, Dara & I came home more tired than we have been in a long long time. WHAT FUN!!!

This past week has been full of Premier, nursing home ministry (Mike), jury duty (Cherri) and doctors appointments (Dara) ending with Friday night YEC - youth evangelism conference for Dara while Mike & I did a jewelry show. Picking Dara up at 10:30pm and having her back up at the church at 8am and getting her from the FORD CENTER at noon in a crowd of about 10,000 kids - did I say last weekend we were tired??? We are having soooo much FUN!!!

Church today and another week of doctors, jury duty & nursing homes as we get ready for our school year.

Love you guys and LOVE hearing what you guys are up to -

Chase, Ryan, Ty & Dal have been sort of quiet - have got to talk to each on the phone just a bit. More about them later - time to HEAD TO CHURCH!!!


Friday, August 04, 2006

GOOD MORNING!!! WOW!!! What a couple of weeks. RALLY was great, as always. I cant figure out how they keep getting better and better. Josh McDowell, and Ellie Kay with Greg Buchanan were our special guests. If you have not had the chance to hear Greg Buchanan "jam" old time Christian hymns and classical music on the harp - WOW!!! You have missed an incredible artist. He even played a small harp that is probably what King David played.

We DO have our new catalog out and a special for the month of August which is keeping Mike & me hopping getting a TON of business done while getting Dara ready for her senior year and THOROUGHLY enjoying being involved with our music ministry - Mike on sound - at Emmaus Baptist Church.

This week we are JUST finishing our Young Musician's Camp where we've had 65 kids from 4 different churches attending from 9am - 3pm. From 9am to noon we have been working on the musical HOLY MOSES and after a quick lunch the kids have swam, skated,or bowled each afternoon before being picked up by parents.

This will be the first day that I have stayed all day - leaving at noon has been the norm for me so that I can meet with hostesses, jewelers & be with Dara.

After registering Dara at Norman High this morning, we are heading up to Emmaus and will be there all day putting the final touches on the musical and helping with the kids until the performance tonight at 7pm.

To celebrate the completion of this week, tomorrow I plan to do NOTHING besides stay at home and file and watch movies and play catch up so that we can hit it hard again next week. Mike may head out to the lake where his parents are camping out. His dad and his brother usually go fishing REALLY early - so hopefully Mike can get out there in time to enjoy that pasttime.

I DID get the chance to run to Dallas on Monday to help Terri with a few matters before she and Gabriel head to Pennsylvania this coming Tuesday for her 2nd competition this year. She is one of the top 3 finalists and they will be competing over a 2 day finals. At the same time, Gabriel will be accompanying for a different competition in the same city, so they are looking forward to this working/vacation road trip.

Dal has moved to Norman to be with his girlfriend Megan and has bought himself a new car. Quite a feat for a young 20 year old to do on his own - calling us a few times that day to make sure he was on track. He is now the proud owner of a 2006 Saturn Ion and MOM feels MUCH relief that he is in a better car.

Ty is still working out at Thunderbird, although work has slacked off a bit since RiverWind has opened up. Megan - Dal's girlfriend, is dealing Poker at RiverWind while Dal is still out at Newcastle. So if you ever are out playing poker one night - check out the crew!!! Ty has looked into going to school at OCCC - but cant prove residency these past six months - so he is establishing residency by getting a state ID, and a cell phone in his name since he just pays rent to a friend whose mom owns the house they live in right across from OCCC. With Chase, Mike's son, heading to OCCC this month - it'll be fun having two of our guys out there in January!!!

Dara is VERY excited about her senior year and continues to talk with her friend Brian down in Texas and being involved with the youth group at Emmaus with YEC in 2 weeks and a girls sleepover the next weekend.

OH OH OH!!! And Ryan is starting a new job today and has traded his truck in for a car - mainly because of the price of gas and has informed us that he is NOW available to come out and eat with us because of how LITTLE gas he will have to use compared to his truck.

Chase has not been able to race much on his bike because of the spill he took on the race down at OU - tore up his bike pretty good - so he has been rock climbing out at Quartz Mountain. Chase is VERY much looking forward to starting at OCCC in the EMT program in a couple of weeks.

Well, that about covers this Moxley/Austin crew this past month. I think we are ALL ready for the dog days of summer to melt into the fabulous season of fall. Another month or 6 weeks of heat, I bet, before relief. Dara is hoping that "storm" season is SHORT!!! Although, Mike & I LOVE the energy & change of a stormy season, Dara does not - so she will be VERY glad when our 2nd tornado season comes to an end.

Love our family - and LOVE the support we get from our extended family. KEEP IN TOUCH!!!
