Friday, October 06, 2006

Lots of birthdays in October and November in our family. And we are adding a wedding anniversary - October 26th - Dal & Megan. October 3rd, Chase turned 20 and went out to lunch with his Dad on Wednesday. October 4th - our favorite GRAMS turned an amazing 65 - as she worked in Austin and dueled with Papaw via blogs - LOVED IT!!!

Then of course there is RIN TIN TIN TIN = Tony's birthday and my favorite birthday of all - Cody's on Oct 31st. When someone asks my birthday and I tell them April 1st - I tell them it is the 3 BEST birthday in the world - 1st being February 29th (for obvious slower celebration reasons) and then October 31st where everyone dresses up and GIVES AWAY CANDY on your birthday - my NEPHEWS Birthday - and then mine - April FOOLS Day!!! OH!!! and Dara NEVER lets me forget Sierra's birthday!!!

Now we are adding a November Birthday too - Dal & Pierce's on the 27th - and now Megan's on November 15th. And of course the ORIGINAL Grandma Cherry's on the 30th -

October, November & December are DEFINITELY celebration days around our motley Moxley/Austin crew.

We JUST got back from another Dr's visit yesterday - actually a fitting for Dara's new wheelchair - which will be JUST like the one she has EXCEPT - different foot rests, a hard plated seat which will give her better support and then - yes THEN - POWER WHEELS!!! NOT an electric wheel chair - but a battery that connects to her wheels so that as she PUSHES it HELPS her!!! We wer HIGH FIVIN all over the place!!! BECAUSE I have DREADED the day she wanted an ELECTRIC wheelchair because of the lack of activity that might promote (therefore I told Dara when she QUITS eating - since she wouldnt be exercising as much - she could get an electric wheelchair) and yet we KNEW something was needed to help with her independence.

So the specs are drawn - and now it has to be signed off by the physical therapist - the Primary care Physician and then approved by Medicaid (which a similar chair was JUST approved) and then ORDERED - WOO HOO!!! So we are hoping by Christmas Dara might have POWERED (2 speed at that) wheels!!!

It was FUN seeing her interact with Jason at Majors Medical - this is the organization who donated the body of her wheelcahir 4 years ago.

Well, I'll post more later - Dara and I are off to Sharla's chapel to open up for a couple since Sharla cant be there this morning - and then we are heading out to Meeker to take Linda - a past hostess who REALLY connected with Dara - we are taking Linda to lunch and shopping before we come home and work a bit more in getting the word out about what we do!!!

Love you guys -
and are REALLY looking forward to the holidays when we can catch up in person!!!


P S - MIKE WON the chili cook off last Friday night - His GUNSMOKE CHILI was 1st place in the taste testing - and he has been asked to come cook it at our church's Wednesday night supper sometime in November!!! Mike, YOU are the BESTEST!!! GC


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